In love with the Kokedama

For some time, we've been decorating our flower shop with beautiful Kokedamas! Kokedama is a Japanesse word that means ball of moss. In this technique, a ball of moss is used to plant any type of ornamental plant... take a look at the picture below:

...the plants used for this technique are generally ones that do not need direct sunlight, hence, the ball of moss could eventually be burned and turned a darker brown. Aluminium or nylon wire is used to wrap and hold down the moss after containing the soil and the plant. These plants are widely popular in Japan and can be found in almost any garden.
Taking care of your Kokedama is very easy and simple! You should first observe the ball of moss and identify if it is dry by noticing two things: if it has light color and if it feels very lightweight. Another way of knowing your Kokedama is thirsty is to feel if the ball is wet or if it is dry; this is probably the easiest way to know for sure.
A little secret... on May 16, 2018 we will be having our very first Kokedama Workshop on The Mall of San Juan! Keep in touch with us on social media @theflowersculture for updates on when you can start separating yor space!
Lots of love from Flowers Culture! <3
Take a look at the gorgeous Kokedamas that have been decorating our flower shop: